Introducing families to engaging books to read together - especially from new Canadian creators – is one of the greatest joys for Teachers on Call’s online and in-person tutors. We love stories that tackle real subjects and challenges while having fun. The theme of this Hooked on Books is developing organizational skills from an early age. Parents with kindergarten and elementary grade students know that all items that go to school do not always return home. This is a universal truth, especially in the winter season with all the extra gear. Yet, how do we teach young children about how to be responsible for their belongings? Emerging author, Ed Bahoric, has the answer to this question in his charming debut picture book, 2 Mitts 2 Boots 1 Coat 1 Hat. Read on to learn more!
Does your little one come home from school constantly without their hat, glove, or some other article of clothing? If you’re nodding your head, you will relate to this picture book. Our readers know that Teachers on Call’s online and in-person tutoring service is big on teaching children how to develop organizational skills. This is why our popular blog on tips to prepare for kindergarten includes labelling ALL items (we personally love Mabel’s Labels!). Our latest Hooked on Books interview with Ed Bahoric focuses on this very subject in a fun manner. Check out our interview featuring, 2 Mitts 2 Boots 1 Coat 1 Hat, a playful picture book for families to enjoy together while encouraging kids to take responsibility for their personal belongings at school.
What is Hooked on Books?
Our in-person and online tutoring team at Teachers on Call love to read and encourage students and their families to do the same. With Hooked on Books, we introduce our community to the latest children’s books with behind-the-scenes interviews to learn more about the creators. A large focus is introducing readers to Canadian authors and illustrators from coast to coast with a mix of emerging and well-known literary talent. In our latest interview, we are featuring Toronto, Ontario’s Ed Bahoric.
About our Creator: Ed Bahoric
Ed Bahoric is a multi-talented athlete and artist who can now add author and illustrator to his resume. He was as a professional figure skater who competed nationally until 1995. He parlayed his background into a successful career as a professional skating coach and choreographer. A graduate of downtown Toronto’s prestigious Ontario College of Art and Design (OCAD, 100 McCaul St, Toronto, ON M5T 1W1), Ed studied art and creative writing. In addition to his athletic pursuits, he began writing poetry which inspired his artwork displayed in many galleries. With all these accomplishments, Ed is proudest of his role as father, with his daughter inspiring the story in his debut picture book!
An Interview with Ed Bahoric
Check out Ed’s answers to our questions below!
Tell us about your debut picture book 2 Mitts 2 Boots 1 Coat 1 Hat.
It’s a fun little story about a 5-year-old girl who routinely forgets to bring certain items of clothing home from school. After multiple efforts mommy comes to the rescue with a great idea to get her daughter to remember her belongings.
Families with young children will personally relate to this charming story. Was it inspired by your real-life experiences as a father?
Yes. The book was fully inspired by my daughter and her adorable absent mindedness. In fact, it was based on actual events. At one point, she came home with one sock on one foot and the other one bare. My wife and I were baffled at how that didn’t feel weird to her, walking home. She was coming home with one of everything. So, we decided to make a list for her to keep track of her stuff. The next day, she comes home from school with everything! When we asked to check the list to see if we missed anything, she said that she forgot the list at school. We had a good chuckle over that and, eventually, told the story to my wife’s parents. They laughed and said the story would make a great children’s book. I agreed.
You are a multi-talented athlete and artist with an inspiring background as a professional figure skater which translated into a successful career as a professional skating coach, choreographer, and artist. What motivated you to add author/illustrator to the list, and how did your past experiences contribute to creating this book?
The short answer is, it was a project that kept me busy through the pandemic when my place of business shut down. However, I was looking for ways to combine my artwork with my love of poetry and song long before the book idea came to me. It was just a matter of figuring out what I wanted to say and finding the right mechanism to express it. Figure skating has always been a great instrument for me creatively. It’s an ideal environment for capturing unique images and developing ideas through movement. It’s been the subject of lots of my paintings. Having said that, I like exploring different artistic rooms. I have experience as a graphic artist, animator and I love music and writing.
As stated above, raising my daughter provided lots of inspiration for storytelling. In the absence of skating work, Covid provided the time to bring some of those ideas to fruition. Since my daughter’s experience was a kid’s experience, I figured a children’s book would be the most appropriate way to tell that story. I already had an art background, so I knew I could illustrate it, which made the idea of authoring a book for the first time seem feasible. It was a fun and educational experience from creation to distribution. I learned a lot about a whole new world while my coaching world was on pause. In terms of process, there is very little contrast between what I do on the ice or on paper or canvas. In all, I’m solving puzzles, making adjustments, creating balance and, ultimately, telling a story. The only difference is the medium. It’s variety that keeps things interesting for me.
For fans and educators interested in organizing author visits, where can they find you and what do you recommend?
The easiest way to get in touch with me is through either Instagram @bahoricbooks or through my web page bahoricarts.com
Young readers want to know, are there future picture books in the works?
Yes. I have a few ideas but I’m searching for a significant topic and relatable narrative. Also, I need to figure out the hook or text rhythm. This first story developed organically and was easy to frame in terms of meter and rhyme. I want the next story to flow and resolve in a similarly natural way. I am hoping to get something started in the coming weeks.
If you like this topic of organizational hacks for kiddos, check out our past Hooked on Books interview with Burlington’s Julie Cole.
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