About Our Tutors

The Teachers on Call team of tutors is highly committed to helping students achieve and reach their academic goals in school and in life.
Tutor Qualifications
The Teachers on Call team is comprised of teachers certified by their province, including the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT), retired teachers and teacher candidates completing their degrees in the Faculty of Education.
Our tutors have direct classroom experience, are highly specialized in their subject areas, and up to date with the provincial curriculum across Canada, for example, the Ontario Curriculum and Ministry guidelines.
Character & Approach
Our tutors are caring, knowledgeable and achievement-orientated professionals, with a passion for helping students succeed.
We understand firsthand the importance of your child having a positive rapport with their tutor.
To ensure the best tutor match for your son or daughter, we have a thorough orientation phone call to understand academic needs and goals. We personally select a tutor who is the right fit in terms of subject matter expertise and personality.
Tutor FAQs
- How do you decide which tutor is the right fit for my child?
Your son or daughter's personalized tutoring begins with a phone consultation that allows us to learn about child's academic needs, goals and interests.
Based on the information provided to us, we match your unique request with a qualified tutor who has the subject matter knowledge and the right personality to work with your child.
Throughout the tutoring assignment we are available for consultation and support.
- Will my child always have the same tutor?
At Teachers on Call, we have a relationship based approach to tutoring. The same subject tutor will work with your child on a consistent basis.
- What is the tutor to student ratio?
Our philosophy is always one-on-one support designed to maximize the student learning experience. If your family has siblings close in age or with similar subject needs, the option exists to share the same tutor back-to-back on an individual basis.
- What is the minimum length of a tutoring session?
The minimum tutoring session is always 1 hour for in-person tutoring and 30 minutes for online tutoring. After the minimum length is reached, additional tutoring is available in 15 minute increments.
- Do you offer tutoring packages?
While we believe in consistent tutoring for the best academic results, we do not offer packages. We find this benefits families most as you only pay for the tutoring your child actually needs.
Looking for a tutor?
We are here to help your student excel. Contact Teachers on Call today to get started with our award-winning tutoring services.