Pi Day - 5 Ways to Celebrate

Posted in Math Tutoring

Pi Day - 5 Ways to Celebrate

Pi Day (March 14) is almost here!

What is Pi?  It is one of the most famous numbers in Math that represents the ratio of every circle's diameter to its circumference.   It is unique since it's digits never end or never repeat.   However, since it goes on forever we use 3.14 to approximate its value.

To learn more, click the video below:

Educators and mathematicians around the world have made March 14th as the day of celebration.

Here are five fun math activities from our tutors to get engaged:

1) Enjoy Pi themed foods -Have a Pizza Party.  Remind your kids that it represents the ratio of circle's circumference to its diameter.   Have them measure both the circumference and the diameter to see it in real life.  Once you are done, cut the pizza into different slices and learn about ratios.

2) Create a collage: Cut out numbers of newspapers and magazines to make a work of art.

3) Make a paper chain with a different colour representing each digit and see how far you can make the chain

4) Expand vocabulary with a themed words contest.  Challenge your kids to come up with as many words that start with Pi in 5 minutes.  Ie. pink, pick, pimple and pizza.

5) Read about it: In Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi (A Math Adventure) turns math concepts into memorable stories.

Have a wonderful time celebrating math!

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